
Successful launch of “”

The federal government and the financial sector have jointly launched the information platform “”. This platform is part of the financial sector’s overall commitment to increasing awareness of the strengths and qualities of the financial centre both in Switzerland and abroad.

Switzerland is a leading location for comprehensive financial services, and this is reflected by the “” platform, which was launched at the beginning of December. It was jointly developed by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF), the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS), SIX, Swiss Re, Zurich Insurance Group and the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA). The platform aims to raise the Swiss financial centre’s profile internationally and to strengthen its competitive position globally.

The platform serves as a centralised information hub and answers questions about the Swiss financial centre. “”, provides a detailed insight into the services, strengths and importance of the financial centre and features information about its legal framework conditions and key figures. The platform also explains its values and locational advantages, as well as highlighting the diverse nature of the financial centre and its innovative strength. In addition, the platform gives an overview of conferences in Switzerland and abroad, and it outlines the activities and publications of the various stakeholders in the Swiss financial centre.

Launch of, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and moderator Tanya König.

The industry associations SBA and AMAS, the financial market infrastructure provider SIX and the insurers Swiss Re and Zurich Insurance Group are supporting the information platform both financially and in terms of content on behalf of the financial sector. The State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) and Presence Switzerland, a unit within the FDFA which is responsible for communications to showcase Switzerland abroad, are responsible for operating “”. The platform is part of Presence Switzerland’s communication activities as well as the FDFA’s financial market policy to actively safeguard the interests of the Swiss financial centre.

The information platform is a component of the financial sector’s overall commitment to increasing awareness of the strengths and qualities of the financial centre both in Switzerland and abroad. With its international scope, the platform complements the comprehensive activities pursued in Switzerland, such as the BAK Economics study on the economic importance of the financial sector, and builds on the financial sector’s widespread presence at national and regional events, job and trade fairs, and conferences.

Panel discussion (from left to right) State Secretary Daniela Stoffel, SBA Chairman Herbert J. Scheidt, UBS CEO Ralph Hamers, CS CEO Thomas Gottstein (via video, not pictured) and moderator Tanya König.

The launch of the platform was first publicly announced on 7 December by Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer together with the FDF and FDFA during the Singapore Fintech Festival.


Media Contact

Monika Dunant
Head of Public & Media Relations
+41 58 330 63 95
Deborah Jungo-Schwalm
Senior Communications Manager
+41 58 330 62 73