
Swiss asset management industry continues to gain ground

The second edition of the IFZ/AMP Asset Management Study identifies opportunities in product specialisation and sustainable investments.

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts’ Institute of Financial Services Zug (IFZ) and the Asset Management Platform Switzerland have published a comprehensive study on asset management in Switzerland. The study shows that the industry manages assets of CHF 2,161 bn and that asset management is of great importance to the Swiss economy. It identifies increasing regulation as the most urgent challenge to be addressed.

Total volume corresponds to three times Switzerland’s GDP

The Swiss asset management industry manages CHF 2,161 bn and employs 9,900 people. Asset management is therefore an important pillar of the Swiss financial centre.

Sustainable investments have great potential

The biggest opportunities lie in product specialisation and sustainable investments, the fewest in passive investments.

Active management dominates

Around 70 percent of assets managed in Switzerland are managed actively and around 30 percent are managed passively. These figures confirm that the asset managers based in Switzerland focus on specialised, actively managed products in order to gain a competitive advantage.

More information about the study and the challenges faced by the asset management industry in Switzerland can be found on the Asset Management Platform Switzerland website.

Regulation & compliance

Media Contacts

Monika Dunant
Head of Public & Media Relations
+41 58 330 63 95