Press releases

August Benz appointed to ExecutiveBoard of the SBA

BaselMay 24, 2017  August Benz will become the new Head of the SBA’s Private Banking and Asset Management business area. He will assume his role as a member of the Executive Board at the beginning of July. August Benz is currently Managing Director and Head of Client Servicing at UBS Asset Management.

August Benz will bring longstanding experience and comprehensive expertise in the banking business to the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA). Benz started as a strategic consultant at UBS in 1999 in the bank’s Corporate Center, and has held numerous management positions at UBS Asset Management since 2006. Benz, who has a Ph.D. in political science, is currently Head Client Servicing Standards, with global responsibility for the establishment and implementation of client servicing standards across all regions, channels and customer segments. August Benz not only has a proven track record in the banking business, but is also well-acquainted with the various aspects of financial market regulation.

This appointment for the role of Head of the Private Banking and Asset Management business area marks the successful completion of the process to realign and strengthen the SBA’s Executive Board. In April 2017, the SBA announced the merging of the Communications and Public Affairs departments under the new leadership of Silvan Lipp (starting in July 2017), the formation of a specialist department led by existing Executive Board Member Rolf Brüggemann, and the appointment of Philipp Halbherr as Head of the Retail Banking and Capital Markets business area. The Executive Board, led by CEO Claude-Alain Margelisch, is thus complete.

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Monika Dunant
Head of Public & Media Relations
+41 58 330 63 95