Press releases

Oliver Buschan appointed to Executive Board of SBA

BaselOctober 28, 2019  Oliver Buschan has been appointed Head of Retail Banking & Capital Markets and Member of the Executive Board of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA). He will assume these roles in February 2020. With over 20 years of experience at various banks and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), Oliver Buschan has comprehensive knowledge of the banking business and financial market regulation.

Oliver Buschan will be joining the Executive Board of the SBA as the new Head of Retail Banking & Capital Markets. The economist has long-standing experience both in the financial sector as well as at FINMA. After over ten years at FINMA, Oliver Buschan returned to the financial sector in 2011, where he led a number of complex reorganisation, innovation and digitalisation projects. Oliver Buschan is Head of Corporate Governance at UBS, where among other things, he was responsible for organisational development projects and UBS Group’s overall policy framework.

“Oliver Buschan has extensive knowledge in the areas of financial markets, banking regulation and supervision. He will therefore strengthen our competences, particularly as regards complex regulatory projects such as Basel III final”, says Jörg Gasser, CEO of the SBA, adding: “I look forward to working with him and collaborating together with a view to our commitment to a competitive financial centre.”

Oliver Buschan will assume his role as Head of Retail Banking & Capital Markets and Member of the Board of Directors in February 2020.

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Monika Dunant
Head of Public & Media Relations
+41 58 330 63 95