Vision & mission
The Swiss Bankers Association is the Swiss financial sector’s leading industry association. Our main objective is to create the best possible operating conditions for banks in Switzerland.
Shaping the future, creating scope for development
Who we are
As the umbrella association of Switzerland’s banks, the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) brings together some 260 member institutions from the various bank categories and other financial services providers. The Association represents the financial centre’s interests vis-à-vis politicians, authorities and the general public.
We are committed to entrepreneurial freedom and open markets, and work towards an environment in which an innovative and diverse banking sector can grow. We are a forward-thinking knowledge hub, setting the agenda and steering the industry towards a sustainable future.
- The SBA was founded in Basel in 1912 and is the umbrella association of banks in Switzerland, bringing together some 260 member institutions and around 11,300 individual members from the following bank categories: big banks, cantonal banks, regional banks, foreign banks, asset and wealth management banks, private banks and other banks. In addition, the SBA counts securities firms, financial market infrastructures, auditing companies of banks, of securities firms and of financial market infrastructures, as well as associations of the financial centre to its members.
- Over 700 experts and specialists from member institutions formulate broad-based opinions within our various committees and commissions, supported by a staff of around 55 (full-time equivalents) in our offices.
- Dr. Marcel Rohner, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA, has been Chairman of the Board of Directors since September 2021.
We aim to create optimum frameworks for a strong, diverse and innovative Swiss banking sector.
The Swiss Bankers Association is committed to a strong banking sector with optimum frameworks to contribute to a competitive and open economy.
We effectively represent the Swiss banking sector’s interests and support our members with services and coordination platforms.
- As the umbrella organisation of Switzerland’s banks, we represent the industry’s interests vis-à-vis politicians, authorities and the general public in Switzerland and abroad.
- We are the voice of the banking industry in all relevant political and regulatory matters and engage in transparent dialogue with the public at large.
- We promote the Swiss financial centre’s image throughout the world.
- We promote solidarity and the exchange of information and insight among banks and their staff.
- We advise our members and provide them with services and coordination platforms.
- We develop and refine self-regulation in consultation with regulators.
- We promote training and career development for bank staff of all ages.
- We coordinate the Swiss banks’ joint utility providers.
Every year, the Swiss Bankers Association’s Board of Directors determines the Association’s priority areas with a view to ensuring attractive operating conditions for the banking sector.
The SBA’s priorities for 2023 are as follows:
Sustainable finance
The Swiss financial centre intends to position itself as a world-leading location for sustainable finance. To this end, the SBA is committed to promoting market-driven frameworks and focusing on the implementation of the relevant self-regulation and the Swiss Climate Scores, which effectively address the issue of greenwashing.
In relation to the upcoming revision of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the SBA is in favour of a robust anti-money laundering regime that takes international requirements into account. Looking ahead to the revision of the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FinMIA), the SBA advocates efficient and internationally recognised regulation.
In connection with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, meanwhile, its focus is on systematically enforcing the sanctions imposed by Swiss, international and supranational bodies. The banks in Switzerland adhere strictly to all applicable laws and measures and have appropriate controls and processes in place to ensure compliance and prevent violations.