
A milestone for the digital economy

An electronic identification document is an important element for digital business transactions. With the e-ID legislation, Switzerland is creating the necessary legal bases for such identification. The SBA supports the Federal Council’s proposal for this legislation.

In order for the e-ID to become accepted and for the further development of online services, it is key that people can identify themselves on the internet in a straightforward and secure manner. With the e-ID legislation presented on 1 June 2018, the Federal Council aims to promote secure electronic business transactions between private sector companies and electronic dealings with public authorities. The legislation establishes the division of responsibilities between the government and private sector companies for the issuing and use of the e-ID. In a digital world, the broad dissemination of a state-recognised electronic means of identification is of great economic importance.

The SBA supports the proposal put forward by the Federal Council. It welcomes the division of responsibilities between the government and the private sector, the latter of which is ideally positioned to reach the key objectives: security, data protection and rapid dissemination. The banks, whose customers are already familiar with secure means of authentication, will play a particularly important role. They are experienced in the secure handling of personal information, verify the identity of millions of bank customers every day in the context of their online banking systems, and bring this experience to the e-ID ecosystem.

The SBA will be closely following the upcoming parliamentary deliberations. The objective is to ensure a rapid and smooth introduction of the e-ID.

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Martin Hess
Chief Economist
+41 58 330 62 50

Media Contact

Monika Dunant
Head of Public & Media Relations
+41 58 330 63 95